PWD Event Schedule

Pack 325 - Workshops

Workshop 1 - Dec 28, 2024 (Details to be emailed)

The Workshop is an optional event for anyone new to Pinewood Derby who would like to get help with building their car. We will be sharing power tools as well as discussing tips for performance and design.

Bring your kit's wood block with your design sketched on the block or a paper and we can help you get it cut out. Then you can finish the details, decoration, and assembly on your own or with your Den leader.

Final details will be emailed about time and location.

Workshop 2 - Jan 18 2025 (Details to be emailed)

The Workshop is an optional event for anyone new to Pinewood Derby who would like get help with building their car. We will be sharing power tools as well as discussing tips for performance and design.

Bring your kit's wood block with your design sketched on the block or a paper and we can help you get it cut out. Then you can finish the details, decoration, and assembly on your own or with your Den leader.

Final details will be emailed about time and location.

Pack 325 - Weigh-in/Registration

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:30pm-7:45pm  

Location: Chinese for Christ Church of San Jose, 4255 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 951

BE READY TO RACE - Get your car done! Don't wait until the last minute!

All scout cars racing in the Pinewood Derby must be weighed, registered, and impounded until the race. Cars that are not inspected and registered will not be eligible for awards or advancement to the district race.

New parents:

This is where you bring your scout's completed car ready to race. There will be officials (pack volunteers) inspecting and weighing each car. If it qualifies the car will be registered and the officials will keep it safe until race night. The cars are impounded to prevent anyone from altering their car after inspection and help ensure a fair race for all.

If your car does not qualify it will be disqualified from the race. PLEASE prevent this tragedy by carefully reading the rules!

Please be sure to read the car building rules very carefully. To ensure there are no issues with Pack 325 cars that qualify for the district race we will be extra strict during check-in inspection.

Exception: Parents and siblings' cars for our Family Races do not need to weigh-in or register.

Pack 325 - The Race

Friday, January 24, 2025, 6pm to 8pm

Location: Chinese for Christ Church of San Jose, 4255 Williams Rd, San Jose, CA 951

The Race

Part 1

Part 2

Family Fun

Family Races

Parents and siblings can join the fun with our Family Races. These are held between the scout races, as time allows. Siblings and parents can run their cars (no weigh-in or registration required) for fun, without the full rulebook scouts have to follow. Dig out your own childhood derby cars or make a new one along with your scout. Car kits and accessories are available at the Scout Shop or

Pioneer District Race

District Registration & Drop off: Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - All Racers: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 5100 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

Who enters the district race?
The top two Tigers, top two Lions and top two older scouts (Wolf/Bear/Webelos/AOL) from our Pack 325 race will be eligible to race at the Pioneer District Regional derby. The third place car of each group can race as an alternate if one of the top two cannot race. The regional Pinewood Derby rules require that the cars be impounded after the Pack race and brought to the District weigh-in by a Pack race official. 

District Race: Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Session 1 - Lions/Tiger Scouts: 9:00 AM Check-in, 9:30 AM Race
Session 2 - Wolves/Bears/Webelos/AOLs: 1:00 PM Check-in, 1:30 PM Race

All Scouts and their families are invited to come and watch the representatives from their Pack.

St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, 5100 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124