Pack 325 Display at Moreland Wood Haunted Trail
Post date: Oct 6, 2010 4:48:31 PM
Our pack is going to set up a display at the Moreland Woods pumpkin patch and haunted trail. It opens Saturday October 16th and it will be available to see at our campfire pack meeting on the 20th.
We'll have a large area and are looking to setup with a few "scenes". Ideas we are looking at:
Crazy Campfire: real bears/wolves/tigers around a campfire, "creepy" smores
Campout Gone Wrong: slashed tent, what lurks inside?
Backpacking Disaster: sometimes you can't be prepared for everything
Helping an Old Lady Cross the Street: into traffic?
We're looking to collect items that can be used to help decorate these scenes. Items that could really help out (in any condition):
Skeletons, skeleton parts
Body parts
Old Scout Uniforms – shirts, hats, kerchiefs, etc
Old sheets, cloth
Red Paint or other "blood"
Be sure to label anything you wish returned (name and Den #). The scenes will be on display from 10/16 through 10/30. The Trail will be cleaned up on the 31st.
If you have anything to contribute please bring it to this or next week's den meeting.