Online Popcorn Sales Starts Now
Post date: Aug 26, 2012 7:44:23 PM
Hi Pack,Popcorn is our annual Scouting fundraiser for our Pack to earn money to support our Scouting program. It funds many things such as renting the meeting rooms to patches to activity costs. By putting our efforts into this main fundraiser, we fund most of the entire Pack year without need for additional fundraising or out of pocket payments. It is a community recognizable sales process that enables the boys to learn valuable selling and marketing skills while engaging the community with an opportunity to show their support of Scouting. Our scouts feel the thrill of success in raising money for a valuable cause.
Online Ordering starts now!
This is a great way to have far away family and friends show their support for your scout. Each Scout's online sales from August 1st through October 22 count toward his Scout Rewards. You and your Scouts can log in to to create an account and have the system send emails to family and friends. Online orders are paid online and shipped directly to the customer! It is a great time to get started now on your son's online sales campaign savvy before the rush of back to school gets hectic!
How to:
If you don't have an account from last year, click "Create an Account" at top right. If you have an account already, "Sign In".
Please enter our unit information as follows:
Unit Type: Pack
Unit Number: 325
Click "Send Emails" to have the system generate a nice email to your family and friends.