Pack 325 Fall Open House
Post date: Aug 26, 2012 7:14:42 PM
Attention: Boys in K-5th Grades
Cub Scout Pack 325
Invites you to our fall open house.
Learn about our Cub Scout program and
fun activities we have planned this year.
Information for Parents, Magician for boys!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
6:45pm to 8:00pm
Moreland Community Center
Multi-purpose Room 1
1850 Fallbrook Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95130
For more information, please contact us:
(408) 475-PACK or
How the Cub Scouts are organized:
All of the boys are organized into dens of similar grade level. Dens are a great way to make and stay in touch with friends. Boys may join at any grade. Dens meet weekly at Country Lane classrooms where the boys do activities that apply to the requirements in their books.
Kindergarteners can join in the SPRING 2013!
1st graders are in Tiger Cubs
2nd graders are in Wolf Cubs
3rd graders are in Bear Cubs
4th & 5th graders are in Webelos
These different dens are gathered together into a Pack. The Pack meetings are held once a month, usually the third Wednesday, at a Country Lane or Moreland Woods, and feature skits, games, award recognition, and other fun activities.
Why parents like Cub Scouts:
Builds children’s self esteem
Kids have fun learning practical skills and knowledge
Lots of recognition of achievement
Trips to enjoyable places you might not get to otherwise
Meet other families with similar interest
Parents and siblings are involved
Have fun with your son!
What are the Cub Scouts doing this year?
Pinewood Derby: build and customize a wooden race car and watch it fly down the track
Blue and Gold Dinner: help recognize Scouting's beginnings
Summer Camps: have fun all week and learn new skills
Service Projects: join in service projects for the school and wider community
Scout-O-Rama: come enjoy a county-wide scouting carnival
Scouting for Food: help the less fortunate with canned goods
Earn Achievements: Scouts work to earn the achievements for their level, eventually earning their rank badge
Camping, Hiking, and lots of fun outdoor activities
And so much more!