We're now the "Silicon Valley Monterey Bay" Council!

Post date: Dec 13, 2012 5:10:41 AM

Announced today:

Merger discussions for Monterey Bay Area Council and Santa Clara County Council culminated this week as the merger was approved by the voting membership of both councils. An old friendship renewed, and now restored.

Monday evening, December 10, 2012, voting members, who according to our bylaws include Board Members and Chartered Organization Representatives, met at the Santa Clara County Council Service Center and unanimously voted in favor of the merger. The voting members for the Monterey Bay Area Council met the following evening, December 11, 2012, at the Kinship Center in Salinas and also voted unanimously in favor of the merger.

We are thrilled to announce that effective December 31, 2012 our new council will be known as the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, a name we think will be instantly recognizable throughout the nation and will serve as an aspirational goal of inclusion and innovation.  This past year has been a history-making journey for both councils and we would like to thank all the many volunteers who have helped us along the way.

More for information, visit the BSA Merger website.