U.S.S. Pampanito / San Francisco Weekend
Post date: Feb 6, 2011 1:42:17 AM
All Pack 325 Families are invited to the San Francisco / Pampanito Weekend, February 19 & 20, 2011. Pack families can stay overnight at the Radisson Fisherman's Wharf at a reduced rate and your scout and a parent (or two) can stay aboard the USS Pampanito. Just look at how to sign up and check out the fun filled agenda for our Pack 325 weekend in San Francisco below. If you have already signed up for the Pampanito sleepover, you can expand your weekend to include any or all of the agenda items.
The FOUR WAYS TO SIGN UP this month are:
Every remaining Wednesday in January between 6:45pm and 7pm at Country Lane School
Wed., Jan 12th / Room 19 Country Lane School / Den 3 Weekly Meeting
Wed., Jan 19th / Room 19 Country Lane School / Den 3 Weekly Meeting
Wed., Jan 26th / Multi-Use Room Country Lane School / Pinewood Derby Weigh-Ins
Fri., Jan 28th / Multi-Use Room Country Lane School / Pinewood Derby Race Night
Agenda Saturday, February 19th
Agenda Sunday, February 20th
8:00AM - PACK BREAKFAST at International House of Pancakes at the Radisson Hotel [Pack reassembles]
Itinerary "A"
9:30AM - Walk On and/or Across the Golden Gate Bridge
12:00PM - Lunch and Hot Chocolates at Ghiradelli Square
1:30PM - Pack Families are on their own in San Francisco
Itinerary "B"
10:00AM - Enjoy games/arcades/shops at Pier 39
11:30AM - "ESCAPE FROM THE ROCK" - Blue and Gold Fleet Bay 90 minute Bay Cruise ($14 youth/$22 adult)
1:30PM - Pack Families are on their own in San Francisco
12:30PM Pack Families Meet at the SF Exploratorium at Palace of Fine Arts [cost: age 4-12 are $10ea, adults $15ea]
4:00PM Pack Moves on to Fisherman's Wharf - Stayover families check in at the Radisson Hotel (Group Rate cost: $108/night+ tax)
4:30PM Pack Moves on to Pier 39 area for dinner, rides, games, shops
6:45PM Pack Meets at Pampanito for tour and/or Sleepover...all family members welcome [tour only cost: up to age 6 is free, child 6-12yrs $4ea, adults $10ea]
8:00PM Pampanito Sleepover begins for scouts & Akelas - note: Sleepover includes tour [cost $43 each per person; one parent must accompany each scout]
8:00PM-7:00AM Private Submarine Tour; For Sleepovers: Movies in the Torpedo Room, Standing Watch, Submarine Sandwiches for late night snacks!
8:00PM-7:00AM Radisson Family sleepover begins...family members enjoy San Francisco sights and sounds above water!