Scouting for Food

Post date: Nov 15, 2010 10:33:06 PM

Scouting for Food is happening now! You should have received door hangars for distribution at last week's den meetings. Bring any food you collect (or want to donate yourself!) to the pack meeting this Wednesday and it will get to the right place!

Thank you for supporting Scouting for Food!

From the SCCBSA website:

Scouting for Food is one of the best activities to teach our youth about serving others, about doing a Good Turn. There are hundreds of families within our communities that depend on our local food pantries. Many of our food pantries depend on the Scouts each year to stock their shelves in November. Through this community service activity our Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will experience how their work positively impacts people.

Scouts throughout the county distribute door hangers the week prior to November 20 and then return to collect those bags for drop off at pre-determined collection centers.

The Scouts are committed to helping where they are needed. Every can and box of food helps. Last year over 100,000 pounds of food were collected. Scouts should set a goal on their own or as a pack or troop.