Pack 325 Memorial Day Weekend Camping and Canoe Trip
Post date: Apr 22, 2011 9:00:01 PM
Pack 325 Camping Trip
Memorial Day
May 28th-30th
The Pack will be taking money for camping and canoeing at the May 18th Pack meeting. Please bring you payments then.
Contact Mike Yambra for information and sign-up.
Camping weekend price is $13.00 per person.
- 42 people can go.
- 7 camp sites
- For 2 nights
Food menu to be worked out next month.
We will go Canoeing on Sunday the 29th
Canoeing is $60.00 or $80.00
Info on canoes
River’s Edge Group Info: or 707-433-7247
We charge per boat. The equivalent of 3 light adults can fit per canoe…we recommend 2.
We also have kayak options. If you have 10 or more…we will provide you with a group rate.
Mike – Cub Scout Troop # 325 – May 30th, 2011 – Half Day Rio Trip
Half Day: 8-14 = $60. 14 or more = $55
Full day: 8-14 = $80.00. 15 or more = $75.00
20 canoes @ $55 each = $1100
Requested deposit = $550
Prices include…shuttle, gear, parking, safety talk, and paddling instruction from our polite staff.