2010 Popcorn Sales Results – Great Job Everyone!

Post date: Nov 19, 2010 6:27:49 PM

Hi Pack,We had a fantastic popcorn sale! Thanks to the boys' (and parents!) hard work we are able to fund our pack activities throughout the year along with new outings like USS Pampanino, improved water rocket and pinewood derby equipment, and new GPS's for the boys to experience geocaching.

Here's some highlights of the sales results:

Thanks to everyone for participating! We'll definitely have reward prizes and participation patches to give out to the boys at January pack meeting and if by chance they come early, we may do it in December but wanted to share our these results now. Here's our top sellers!

Kudos to Top Seller - $800+

Robert from Den 3 Wolves with $879 in sales!!!

Honorable Mention - $700+

Nathan from Den 3 Wolves with $778 in sales!

Kudos to Top Seller from Each Den:

1. Tigers - Isaac 

2. Wolves - Robert

3. Bears - Sean

4. Weblos I - Noah

5. Weblos II - Zach

 Congrats to $400+ Sellers

- Noah from Den 2 Weblos I

- Alex from Den 3 Wolves 

- Sean from Den 4 Bears

- Johnny R from Den 4 Bears

- Kyle from Den 2 Weblos I

- Ethan from Den 3 Wolves

Congrats to $300+ Sellers

- Zacharcy from Den 5 Weblos II

- Darrin from Den 2 Weblos I

- Mazin from Den 2 Weblos I

- Adrian from Den 2 Weblos I

Congrats to $250+ Sellers

- Anthony from Den 3 Wolves

- Jake from Den 2 Weblos I

- Mitchell from Den 2 Weblos I

- Joseph from Den 2 Weblos I

Congrats to Top Online Seller

- Adrian with $257.65 and also to Noah, Mitchell, Ethan, and Nathan for selling online.

Congrats to Top Donations Collector

- Adrian with $40 and also to Sean, Zach, Jake B, and Nathan for collecting donations.

Thanks to the following parents who helped setup and take down Show & Sell booth: Darcy, Jill, Khalid, and Linda.

Thanks to Jill for being our fantastic District Kernel.

Thanks to Khalid for managing Show & Sells.

Thanks to Linda and Darcy for coordinating Take Orders and picking up and sorting over 90 cases of popcorn with help from Nathan!

While the sale is fresh in your mind, if you have any feedback, please let us know.

Thank you all again! Great results and your efforts are appreciated!!

--Your popcorn team,

Linda and Darcy, Take Orders

Khalid, Show & Sell