Popcorn Update – Last Selling Weekend!

Post date: Oct 14, 2011 5:29:20 PM

Hi Pack,

We're in the home stretch. This is the last weekend for our pack popcorn! We are busy with last two Show & Sells, boys are taking product door-to-door, and everyone is filling up Take Order forms. Go, go, go!SHOW & DELIVER MONEY AND RETURNED STOCK DUE - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th: If you have checked out popcorn for door-to-door sales, please bring one check for all cash collected made out to "Pack 325" and any additional checks from customers plus any popcorn product to return to Linda's home between 5-8pm (or contact for other arrangements).TAKE ORDER FORMS DUE - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19th: Please bring forms to Wednesday, Oct 19th Pack Meeting and turn in to Darcy Dutcher and Julie Angell. If your son sold over $250, please include the type of gift card (Toys R Us, Target, Lego store) they want on the bottom of the order form on the Reward Chosen line. If you collected all the money up front, feel free to turn that in now too. Please make arrangements to turn form in earlier if cannot make this meeting. Thank you!

TAKE ORDER POPCORN PICKUP -- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th: Please plan to pickup Take Order popcorn from 10-12pm at Khalid Darwish home. If you will be camping at Pinnacles with Pack or can't make it then, please contact Khalid for alternate arrangements.

TAKE ORDER MONEY DUE - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th: Please bring money to Wednesday, Nov 16th Pack Meeting and turn in to Darcy Dutcher and Julie Angell. Please bring one check for all cash collected made out to "Pack 325" and any additional checks from customers. Please make arrangements to turn money in earlier if cannot make this meeting.

Thank you! 

Thanks, your pack popcorn team,

Linda Brooks, Popcorn Kernel, 203-1584, lsbrooks@mac.com

Khalid Darwish, Show & Sell, 391-3704, khalid_darwish@yahoo.com

Darcy Dutcher, Take OrderJulie Angell, Take Order

Brian Angell, Take Order